

Rabbits make wonderful pets. They are fluffy and soft, respond well to handling, and can learn to use a litter box. There are even different breeds of rabbit! For example, some have straight ears, some have floppy ears, some are normal size, and some are dwarf sized. Rabbits can live for 5 - 10 years. Rabbits have very strong hind legs and sharp claws. They also have a very light skeleton. If you handle your bunny improperly, he may kick his legs so hard that he breaks his back! When you carry him, always support his rear end. If he struggles, put him down, until he is quiet.

If You Choose a Pet Rabbit
You should make sure that you are purchasing a healthy bunny. It is best to select a young bunny. He should have clear eyes and a nose free of any mucus. The bunny should be curious and friendly. Check to see the bunny has been spayed or neutered. Most are breeders and pet stores do not alter their pets. You will want to have your new friend spayed or neutered between 4 and 6 months age. An altered pet will reduce the risk of that famous bunny reproduction and will prevent certain health and behavioral problems. In the United States, bunnies do not typically require vaccines, but be sure to check with your veterinarian to confirm the protocol in your area. Bunnies do, however, require vaccines in the United Kingdom. They always need annual check ups and fecal tests for parasites.

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